Monday, October 19, 2015

17th of June 2009

I know I'll get better.

I didn't pass out today, that's a win. I still haven't had a shower or even attempted to shave, but I won't let them do it, I'll take care of that myself.

The nurses checked all my stitches and they say I am healing well. Most of the scars will be light. Apparently they took a fist sized ball of muscle out of my right bum cheek, because the bone in my leg went right through it and out the other side. I haven't seen that scar yet, but the dressing is big. I guess that's the end of my nude modelling career!

I still can't remember anything about the accident. It's just a blank filled with the memories of Alcyone. I wake up and my first thoughts are of her. The fact that I haven't passed out tells me I can get strong again. I've got to get out of here as fast as possible, and find her. Maybe she's not dead, maybe I know her for real and I just dreamed she drowned because of the accident.

I've got to find out. I've got to get well. Where did she come from? If she is real, and didn't drown, why hasn't she visited me?

Am I going crazy?

Want the whole story?

Click here to get Nemesis

Nemesis: From the Diaries of Captain John Duffy by Elisabetta L. Faenza

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