I've been having the weirdest dreams.
It's like I've travelled back in time to a world long before this one. I see myself fighting knee deep in blood and gore with warriors, men and women, and some beings I can't describe. But I know I know them. I feel a brotherhood with them, as though he have gone to hell and back together. I see massive glaciers and deep river valleys like nothing I've seen before, and I've seen a lot of this world.
Other dreams I see Alcyone, laughing, teasing, joyous - the gypsy girl I love so much, but every time I try to reach out for her hand, she's just out of reach. Leaves me feeling frustrated and more determined than ever to find her.
I wake up drenched in sweat, well more like lying in a pool of sweat really. Must be my body trying to get the anaesthetic and morphine out of my system. Can't wait for this stage to be over. I'm going further each day on my crutches. Not putting full weight on my leg yet, but I know I will be able to soon.
Moira has a friend coming around to check on my wound and she says it's healing just fine. Stitches will come out tomorrow, fingers crossed.
Going to see my truck tomorrow. I think it's the only way I'll really believe this all happened in a car accident. In my mind she's parked somewhere waiting for me to start her up.
Saw dolphins off the shore today when I went for my chaperoned walk - a whole school of them, chasing snapper off Maloneys Beach, would have loved to have been in the water with them. They looked so free.
Better get myself some food, I'm hungry enough to eat a horse. Well not an actual horse, but pretty damn hungry.
It's getting dark and the stars will be out soon. I love to sit out the back of my sister's place and just lose myself in them. Maybe I'll wake up and this will all have been a dream, and I'll be in my bed with my girl, laughing about this daft episode.
Wonder what tonight's dreams will bring?
Find out the whole story - Click here for Nemesis
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